
We can go on and on about our courses and how much they help, but there is nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth. Some of our wonderful clients have taken the time to share their journey with LSW. Have a read here.

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4.9 Stars  |  109 Reviews

"I have learnt SO much, I have proudly completed my course with confidence."

"It’s the best thing you’ll do for yourself!"

"My tutor Natasha Nesson has changed my life forever."

"My life is improved now as I can deliver effective verbal communication."

"What I learnt at LSW was just what I needed. "

"After each session, I could see myself growing more confident."

"I highly recommend having sessions with LSW."

"I can't believe the transformation from absolute fear and dread to enjoyment."

"The course was tailored to my needs and increased my confidence."

"The sessions were great! Very informative and adaptive sessions."

"Fantastic experience and a very professional service! "

"I feel that the course made a huge difference to my presentation skills. "

"I couldn't speak highly enough of London Speech Workshop."

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"It was very much tailored to me and my needs. The sessions were very powerful."

Bryan – Effective Communication

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"My experience with London Speech Workshop was amazing. I am now a more confident person."

Nick – Effective Communication

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"Each session was incredibly empowering. It had such an impact on my life and my career."

Natasha – Effective Communication

“It’s the highly-tailored approach as well as receiving feedback on a regular basis that really helps”

Marianna Dadejova, Dental Nurse, NHS

Fed up with the assumptions people made about her background, Marianna sought London Speech Workshop’s help to neutralise her accent. “‘Are you Polish?’ was one I often heard,” says Marianna who is in fact Slovakian. “People automatically judged and categorised me,” she continues, having found this more of a problem socially than professionally.

Marianna’s taster session revealed how the problem was being compounded by the bad habits she was picking up from locals.  “I was steadily acquiring an Essex accent without even realising and I needed this to be pointed out to me,” she continues. Other unexpected benefits from the course included the marked improvement to her vocabulary.

“I love the flexibility involved in arranging my sessions,” says Marianna “It’s the highly-tailored approach as well as receiving feedback on a regular basis that really helps,” she concludes.

“I’m always left feeling elated and alive”

Gosia Sztandera, L & D Specialist, Oil & Gas

Seeking a new job and greater challenges, Gosia, originally from Poland, found herself repeatedly down to the last two candidates at interviews but never got the job. “I kept wondering what the reason was for this,’” says Gosia, who felt that something was missing from employer feedback. “I was leaving interviews feeling that I hadn’t connected with my interviewers—they weren’t nodding while I was speaking to them,” she continues. It was time for help.

Based on the positive feedback from alumni on the London Speech Workshop website, Gosia decided “within a second” to sign up to the course. “I liked the flexible approach,” she says. “When I told Gilly, my coach, that I had an interview in two days, she completely shifted her approach; we didn’t follow the programme and instead focused exclusively on interview techniques.” Gosia noticed an immediate improvement. “I suddenly felt equipped—I had new skills that I could implement not just in interviews but in my daily life.”

To fit with her schedule, Gosia had to book evening sessions and would often come along feeling a little worn out from the day. “But I always left feeling elated and alive—Gilly’s engagement is absolutely contagious,” she concludes. Gosia’s five sessions were sufficient to give her the boost she needed. Within days of finishing her course, Gosia went on to land a fantastic new job.

“I greatly believe that the tools I am learning through this course will make a great impact in my future and career”

Chinweike Paul Ezeokafor, Durham University Student

“My journey with the London Speech Workshop has been incredibly enjoyable and great. I feel quite sad now that it’s drawing to a close as I have one remaining session with Jo. On the bright side, I have gained a great amount of knowledge and have been empowered even beyond my imagination! I feel a lot more confident in my speech and I personally believe that some of the skills learnt here will come in handy in creating the best first impression in  interviews for internships in the future! I think the most noticeable improvement has been the great boost in my confidence when speaking to people. Before I avoided conversations and dreaded speaking in public for fear I would be misunderstood. The tools I have learnt through this course such as how to sound authentic and pausing after a front seat word have really boosted my confidence and make me look forward to speaking, something my former self would find bizarre! The new ways of enunciating my vowels have really empowered me and helped me see what had been causing those misunderstandings all along and the keys to overcoming them.”

Take a listen to Chinweike’s before and after recordings:



“The course has given me ideas and techniques I never would have known about before”

Ajay Mistry, Commercial Sales Manager

Ajay was facing a stream of interviews and presentations when he went to LSW for help. “I was aware that I tend to speak very quickly. I would talk to groups only to later find out that what I had said hadn’t been heard,” he says.

“I found LSW on Google; the website is very professional, which gave me confidence,” says Ajay. “I like that they offer you a ‘taster’ session, especially as you don’t know what to expect at first.”

Ajay has found confidence through his work with his coach Gilly, and has recently bought an additional 10 sessions. “She helps me to formulate my ideas and adapt my presentations to deliver them in the best possible way. I equate Gilly with a personal trainer—someone who sets you up for the future, I feel more able to get my message across during presentations now,” says Ajay. “The course has given me ideas and techniques I never would have known about before.”

“You notice a difference even in the first class”

Marc Fitzpatrick, Senior Accountant, JLL

“My wife was always on at me about not speaking clearly,” says Marc who found that the problem was affecting his work life as well. “At times I felt like others were ignoring me; or that  they weren’t taking me seriously,” Marc continues.

It was Marc’s wife who found LSW online and suggested he take a course. When they start at LSW, clients are filmed speaking so that they become aware of the things they need to work on. “Seeing the video was crucial – you always sound different in your own head,” says Marc.

Clients are introduced to life-changing techniques straight away. “You notice a difference even in the first class,” says Marc. “Even a small amount of progress in the first session makes you feel: ‘I can actually change.” A highlight of the course for Marc was reciting the poems. “The course makes it fun to pronounce words and you start to enjoy the way you’re saying things,” he says.

“The course has helped me to find my own voice and to feel comfortable about using it”

Michelle Chuang, Chief Operating Officer, Supersolid Limited

As a “shy person”, Michelle chose a quiet occupation as an artist where she “didn’t need to speak to people too much”. This worked well until Michelle went on to start her own company and needed to be able to talk to her employees. “Communications was an important part of my job so, naturally, I wanted to improve my confidence,” says Michelle who would often experience panic attacks in speaking-related situations.

While she had attended many voice-training courses before, Michelle found that she simply could not convert knowledge into practice. “I’d read from a text perfectly well; I knew the theory but for some reason I just couldn’t use it in my every day life,” she says. “I didn’t know where the problem lay until I met my LSW coach, Theo,” adds Michelle.

Theo showed Michelle how the problem related not only to technique but also to her mental state and would ask her to recap the kinds of situations she had been in over the week. “It’s a very well-rounded course that tackles the problem from all angles,” says Michelle.
Although she still feels nervous at times, the panic attacks have completely diminished.
“The course has helped me to find my own voice and to feel comfortable about using it.”

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