Let’s Toast To New Beginnings & Empowered Communication In 2021

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Wow. What a year it’s been. We have been preaching and practising making lemonade from lemons from the beginning of this crazy year, and while this practice has at some times been challenging, I genuinely feel that there are many silver linings to our global state of affairs. Not least the amount of kindness and care generated amongst strangers as a result of Covid.



This crazy year has brought challenges for everyone, that we know. But we also know, it is through adversity that we grow stronger, develop, find our values and our purpose. I hope that you will get a chance to reflect on how this time of topsy turvyness has helped you grow and develop, or given you an opportunity to reflect, prioritise or make necessary changes.

We have found at London Speech Workshop we have come together as a team like never before, and that our services were needed more than ever. The stories of transformation, confidence, and people claiming their voice and right and ability to speak have kept us all heart warmed throughout the last year. Long may it continue.



What’s in store for 2021

  • We are delighted to be welcoming two more talented coaches to our team – who we are calling Team Alison (as rather oddly, both are called Alison!)
  • We can’t wait to re-launch our Women In Business course – created to empower women to navigate the workplace with gravitas, whilst maximising their feminine strengths. Scheduled for March 2020, lockdown literally locked it down, so watch this space for its arrival.
  • In 2020 we launched our Accent Softening & Confident Speaking eLearning course and over 130 people have completed this course with flying colours. In 2021 we will be adding Effective Communication & Interview Technique as online courses – an important part of our mission to empower more people to be amazing communicators.


So watch out for these and much more on how to improve communication.

Wishing you a very happy new year!

Emma & the LSW Team

Photo of 2 people waving on an online call

Want to communicate with clarity and conviction?

Download our free eBook: ‘How to Speak More Clearly at Work’.

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