Mistakes Bring Powerful Lessons – How Do You Communicate Them?
Results sometimes may not be what we expect them to be. But the extent to which they feel like a failure really depends upon our perspective. We’re gradually moving through the final...
Published: December 16, 2019
Communicating With Your Team To Earn Their Respect
Respect, it is said, is earned and not given. For many of us, being respected as a leader or colleague is hard-won and, in the early stages of a professional relationship, it can seem...
Published: November 28, 2019
Prince Andrew – A Lesson In How (Not) To Communicate
Let’s set the scene. Prince Andrew has faced criticism over many months for his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein who died in prison, apparently having taken his own life. There is no...
Published: November 28, 2019
Why You Don’t Need To Act Like A Man To Succeed At Work
‘Act like a man to succeed’ is a misguided piece of advice on several counts. Quite aside from the problem of deciding which men to imitate (what if they are dysfunctional or incompetent?), this...
Published: October 24, 2019
Naomi’s Journey With A Communication Coach
This week is the first of a new kind of blog, where we share news from our coaches as they tell us about of the eureka moments and highlights with their clients. It's Isobel's...
Published: October 16, 2019
How To Deal With Interruptions At Work
Dealing with interruptions in a meeting room of big personalities can feel like standing on a motorway and trying to hold the attention of incoming traffic. The thought of “I’m going to be interrupted...
Published: October 10, 2019
Transform Your Presentation Skills – From Boring To Inspiring
Engaging an audience can be daunting at the best of times. Especially when they believe the topic you are tasked with explaining has a lot in common with watching not-yet-dry paint. Even though you’re...
Published: October 2, 2019
Managing Multicultural Teams: A Guide To Improving Communication
In an increasingly multicultural workplace - and with teamworking on the rise - it is becoming more and more important to prioritise effective cross-cultural communication. The good news is that whether you are...
Published: September 12, 2019
How To Be Liked By Everyone At Work
Visit any organisation and you’ll find a mix of different kinds of people: a plethora of personalities. It’s what makes for great ideas, creativity and ultimately, success. But it’s also what can lead to...
Published: August 22, 2019
Why Is English Pronunciation So Difficult For Spanish Speakers?
If your mother tongue is Spanish, you may find learning and pronouncing some English words and phrases very challenging. Since many of our Accent Softening clients are Spanish speakers, we thought it would be...
Published: August 13, 2019