Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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Hats Off To Harry – Born To Be Royal

Prince Harry used to be the naughty prince, the nation’s younger brother, who was known more for his passion for partying than for typically Royal behaviour.  And yet after some hair raising times in...

Written by Emma Serlin

Finding Your Voice, Finding Your Tribe

The BBC has just released their findings from the world's largest loneliness study. 55,000 people took part in the BBC's Loneliness Experiment in collaboration with the Welcome Collection. The people who took the survey...

Written by Emma Serlin

What Leaders Can Learn From Donald Trump’s Communication Skills

Like it or lump it Donald Trump can teach us a thing or two about leadership. A businessman from New Jersey, Trump has elevated himself to the highest political office in his country. Divisive...

Written by Emma Serlin

What is Vocal Charisma And How Can We Achieve It?

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, full_width=False, width='1920', height='1080', player_id='54808064822', style='' %} In today's job market, 'communication skills' have transcended the ‘soft skills’ category and gone right to...

Written by Emma Serlin

Brevity: Three Tips On Speaking Less While Saying More

We’ve all been that person in a scenario where we wanted to communicate something, but we realise with a sinking heart, we’ve fluffed it. The urge was there, to speak above the parapet, to...

Written by Emma Serlin

Is The Way You Speak Keeping You From Getting A New Job?

Getting the right job for you is a delicate mission, and one that can feel fraught with challenges. The job you dream of is where you can do what you are good at, what...

Written by Emma Serlin

5 Tips For Overcoming Presentation Nerves

Your stomach is queasy, your palms are sweaty, and your mind has gone blank about your opening lines. It's the bog standard, presentation heebie jeebies kicking in. If this sounds familiar, how about some...

Written by Emma Serlin

Why is Honesty Important in the Workplace?

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, full_width=False, width='1920', height='1080', player_id='54807968425', style='' %} We hear it all the time. Honesty and openness is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship....

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Deliver A Wedding Speech

That special day has finally arrived. As you stand up to deliver your speech, you gently tap the side of your glass invitingly. Heads turn in your direction in a flurry and the anticipation...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Speak Eloquently

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, full_width=False, width='1920', height='1080', player_id='54786064981', style='' %} Have you ever listened to a brilliant speaker and felt captivated by the music of their...

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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