Why Do We Struggle With Communication At Work?
The workplace is fraught with different pressures. “Am I good enough?” “Have I achieved my KPI’s?” “Do I deserve this job?” “Am I justified in asking for that pay rise?” “What does my boss...
“Oar vs Or!” – 5 English Pronunciation Tips
The English language is a peculiar beast. In what other language would you pronounce 'law', 'caught', 'sure', and 'poor' with the same vowel sound? Or pronounce all these words with different sounding 'o' sounds?...
How To Be More Assertive At Work
How is it that some people seem to get exactly what they want at work, while others struggle to get anywhere at all? We all know the sort of people – they are often...
Published: March 29, 2018
How To Pitch Like A Pro
Whatever line of work you’re in it is likely that at some point, you will be called upon to pitch something. Whether you are responsible for securing business for your company; or an entrepreneur...
Published: March 15, 2018
5 Tips To A Better English Accent – WITHOUT An Accent Reduction Coach
Your English is Already Great. Before we begin, it’s important to establish something really important: your English is great. I mean it. You are speaking a language that is not your mother tongue, and...
Published: January 25, 2018
Introducing Our eBook – 5 Tools to Stop Your Accent Getting in the Way
We are delighted to be kicking off the new year with the release of a new eBook, in which our founder Emma Serlin shares her top 5 tools for making sure your accent doesn’t...
Published: January 15, 2018
How To Be A Better Communicator
Every New Year, people around the world make resolutions; sweeping statements promising big changes that are, realistically, unlikely to happen and set the resolution-maker up for disappointment. So, instead of the usual grandiose commitments...
Published: January 9, 2018
5 Tips for Communicating With Your Team – Part 2
In the second of this two-part blog post, we continue to share top tips for those of you in leadership roles who are looking to communicate more effectively with your team. In our previous...
Published: December 7, 2017
How To Communicate With Your Team – Part 1
When you have gone high enough up the ranks to have a team of people working underneath you, you might think you should already have basic aspects of leadership, like effective communication, in the...
Published: December 1, 2017
How Elocution Helps In The Workplace
We are used to the idea of measuring our efficiency in our jobs; we have KPI’s for our performance, specific metrics we need to achieve and regular reviews with our bosses and/or team. But...
Published: October 30, 2017