How To Be Authoritative At Work
Do you want to build respect in the workplace and improve your authority when you are speaking? Here are two simple trips to put into practise straight away - it's all about your verbal...
Published: October 25, 2017
Why Mumbling Affects Communication At Work
Have you ever wondered how to stop mumbling? And do you know why you should? Mumbling gives your listeners the impression that you don't really believe in what you are saying. And therefore it's...
Published: October 23, 2017
5 Ways To Stop Mumbling!
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Published: October 20, 2017
Elocution – Or How To Speak Clearly
Elocution is a rather dated notion nowadays and it's often associated with a certain way of speaking. This "received pronunciation" is a slightly posher but very neutral way of speaking; however, it's so much...
Published: October 19, 2017
How To Handle Presentation Disruptions
Whether we like it or not, the worst can happen when giving a speech or important presentation, our body can behave in ways we really don’t want it to, and other people can also....
Published: October 11, 2017
How To Make A Good First Impression
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Published: October 5, 2017
The Equation For Effective Communication
What if there was a simple equation that helped you to become a better communicator? Well, now there is! When we say 'effective' communication' we are essentially talking about sharing our ideas an authentic...
Published: October 3, 2017
What Is Elocution?
Elocution is an antiquated term, usually associated with clichéd phrases such as ‘how now brown cow’, or Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins. We think it is a path to speaking properly, and it associated...
Published: September 19, 2017
From Christmas Scrooge to Santa Rouge
How to turn grotty exchanges into delightful connections with six simple tips Christmas should be a time of cheer, but so often things come up that can turn us more into a Christmas scrooge....
Published: November 23, 2016
My Six Tips To Hilary Clinton To Be A More Powerful Communicator
Like many of us, I have been enthralled by the unfolding events of the American elections, and of course, as the director of London Speech Workshop, I can’t help but take a communication perspective....
Published: October 13, 2016