You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile
Want to make a great first impression? Smile! Never underestimate the power of a smile - after all, you're never fully dressed without one. Let's try something. Picture someone smiling. Close your eyes...
Published: August 12, 2016
The Seven Seconds You Most Need To Understand
Treat dictionaries and encyclopaedias as biblical texts all you like, but at the end of the day even the most impressive of vocabularies won’t make up for lacklustre body language. Research has shown...
The King’s Speech & The Serlin Method™ For Powerful Communication
I watched The King’s Speech again a couple of nights ago. Such a lovely film. When it first came out and I told people what about my work here at London Speech Workshop they would...
Published: April 18, 2016
How The Serlin Method™ For Accent Softening Was Born
Before I set up London Speech Workshop I had never heard of Accent Softening. So I was even more surprised when I realised that for many non-native speakers, the experience of having an accent...
The P.O.W.E.R. Key: How To Write A Speech
This week’s blog post is on the P.O.W.E.R KEY: 5 how to’s for powerful presentations and speeches. For those of you that missed it, it was the subject of the webinar I delivered last...
Published: March 24, 2016
4 Reasons Pauses Are Great For Communication
Pauses are crucial to good communication These aren’t nebulous empty pauses, but little breaks, which signify a unit of thought. You can think of it as a musical phrase which is part of a...
Received Pronunciation: Is There A Right Way To Pronounce Words?
Words are the great facilitator of our communication. When we use words sloppily therefore, we are undermining our position as communicators. As much as we would like to think it is not...
Published: February 29, 2016
Three Steps To Brave Communication
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I...
Published: February 19, 2016
London Speech Workshop Remembers Alan Rickman
Two weeks since Alan Rickman’s death, and the world is still feeling the ongoing ripples of sadness at the loss of such a formidable talent. We thought we’d add to the recognition with a...
Published: January 29, 2016
Louisa’s Communication Coaching Journey
This week's blog has been written by London Speech Workshop Senior Coach Theo about his client Louisa and their journey together. Please note clients name has been changed in order to preserve confidentiality. ...
Published: November 11, 2015