Finally, I’m writing the book
For my sins, I am writing a book: a book on the art of good communication. And what a journey it is. I am writing the book because after five years with London Speech...
Published: October 30, 2013
BBC Newsnight
A couple of weeks ago I received an interesting call from the BBC. It went something like this...'Hello, this is Tony from Newsnight', 'Hi', I said, 'this is Emma from London Speech Workshop'. So...
London Speech Workshop & The New Year —We’ve Gone Private!
There have been exciting changes at London Speech Workshop in recent months. The biggest news is all of our programs are now offered to clients in a private one to one format. I decided to...
Published: February 25, 2012
Why The King’s Speech inspired the world…
So The King’s Speech has scooped up all the BAFTAs and it gets me to thinking about how this film made on a small budget with a young director, about a man who finds...
Published: February 15, 2011
Glossophobia In ‘The King’s Speech’ – Why Is Public Speaking So Scary?
The fear of public speaking, or Glossophobia, affects three out of every four people. But what is it about speaking in front of others that is so frightening for us? How does an everyday...
Published: January 28, 2011
Words are amazing things…
Something I have been thinking about a lot this week, is the psychological effects of good and bad communication. When we speak, it is about as human and integral to us as humans as...
Published: November 19, 2010
Course founder Emma’s first post…
This is the first post for the business that I started two years ago—London Speech Workshop. I wanted to write you a little introduction to tell you about what we do here at LSW,...
Published: October 28, 2010