Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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9 Tips To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

For many of us, being called upon to deliver a presentation to dozens or even hundreds of people is a daunting prospect. In fact, it’s well documented that we fear giving presentations more than...

Written by Emma Serlin

Why integrate your values?

Discovering and understanding our personal values can be one of the most powerful tools for creating and enjoying an empowered life.  (more…)

Written by Emma Serlin

The 7 Seconds That Matter Most

In the same way that body language affects communication, first impressions affect communication, and can establish the entirety of a relationship. Humans are intrinsically programmed to shy away from situations that are uncomfortable, uncertain and...

Written by Emma Serlin

The 7 Seconds That Matter Most

'You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression'. Research has shown that within those initial 7 seconds, people will form 11 impressions of you.   In the same way that body...

Written by Emma Serlin

What we DON’T do…

We often talk about what we DO do, so we thought we'd start this post a bit differently and share specifically what we DON'T do: We don’t give sales training. We don’t give off...

Written by Emma Serlin

TED Talks To Watch: 7 Secrets Of The Greatest Speakers In History

Of all the speeches you’ve heard in your life, which one sticks out to you the most? Does Martin Luther King spring to mind? Winston Churchill? Or more recently, perhaps Greta Thunberg or Malala...

Written by Emma Serlin

Here Are 5 Tips That Make For A Memorable Wedding Speech

Most of us are not natural or practised public speakers. And yet when you're given the honour of making a wedding speech, you're suddenly expected to engage hundreds of listeners and do eloquent and...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Soften An Accent (Without Losing It Altogether)

Accents are important. They are an intrinsic part of who we are. They are part of our heritage. They tell the story of our background and our culture. So, why would we want to...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Be Charming On Holiday

Sun, sea, sand… what about smiling, small talk and saying thank you! Of course it would be great if we had time to learn a new language and brush up on the local culture...

Written by Emma Serlin

Authentic Speech: What Does It Mean And Why Should You Care? (New Template)

We all know what inauthentic communication looks and sounds like. Whether it’s a politician from an elite background trying to mimic a Northern working class accent to “get on the voters’ level”, or a...

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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