How To Deliver Negative Feedback
Whatever position you hold, giving feedback is a powerful tool. However, it is only effective and productive when delivered properly. First of all, let’s think about the title of this blog… ‘negative feedback’...
Published: August 31, 2022
How Do I Get People To Listen To Me?
Communication is a two-way street. But sometimes it can feel like you’re working really hard and people are still not listening. Frustrating, right? This could be for a whole host of reasons: from...
Published: August 18, 2022
How To Speak With More Authority
Speaking with authority seems to come more naturally to some than others. Ever been in a meeting, convinced you’ve got the answers, but someone else just seems able to push their idea that bit...
How To Say Sorry
The apology is a territory that needs to be negotiated carefully, to maintain personal integrity while being respectful of others. But it’s possible to do both! It’s important to be an advocate of...
Mastering The Queen’s English
So, this year marks the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. It therefore seems a good time to look at one of the most iconic voices of the last 70 years, both for us Brits, and for...
5 Wedding Speech Tips
Most of us are not natural or practised public speakers. And yet when you're given the honour of making a wedding speech, you're suddenly expected to engage hundreds of listeners and do eloquent and...
Zelensky vs Biden: A Powerful Lesson In Communication
The range of emotions felt as we’ve watched Volodymyr Zelensky speak via Zoom to parliaments across the world over the past few weeks, is vast. There’s no question that the Ukrainian President is speaking from...
Published: April 13, 2022
7 Ways To Build Connection Within Your Virtual Team
As we find ourselves in a different kind of hybrid working world - going into the office more regularly but with many meetings, presentations and networking events still held virtually, it's so important to...
Published: March 29, 2022
How To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking
Did you know that Mahatma Gandhi, Sir Richard Branson, Sigmund Freud, Abraham Lincoln and Prince Harry have all admitted going out of their way to avoid speaking in public? So fear not, you're...
PowerPoint Tips: Why Storytelling Is Key To Presenting
I am willing to bet that when you’re tasked with giving a presentation at work, the first thing you do is load up PowerPoint or an equivalent programme on your computer. However, by presenting...
Published: February 2, 2022