Why is Honesty Important in the Workplace?
We hear it all the time. Honesty and openness is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Why then do we approach our working relationships with any less transparency than we do in our personal...
Published: August 14, 2018
“Oar vs Or!” – 5 English Pronunciation Tips
The English language is a peculiar beast. In what other language would you pronounce 'law', 'caught', 'sure', and 'poor' with the same vowel sound? Or pronounce all these words with different sounding 'o' sounds?...
5 Tips To A Better English Accent – Without An Accent Reduction Coach
Your English is Already Great. Before we begin, it’s important to establish something really important: your English is great. I mean it. You are speaking a language that is not your mother...
Published: January 25, 2018
How To Be A Better Communicator
Every New Year, people around the world make resolutions; sweeping statements promising big changes that are, realistically, unlikely to happen and set the resolution-maker up for disappointment. So, instead of the usual grandiose...
Published: January 9, 2018
What is a Power Pose? The Importance of Body Language
With their arms raised skywards, fingers pointing and chests out, the Rio 2016 Olympians showed us some great examples of amazing power poses. Thinking back on the games, it’s easy to find oneself...
Published: September 29, 2016
How To Warm Up Your Voice Like A Professional
Merriam Webster’s dictionary describes elocution as the study of how to speak clearly and in a way that is effective and socially acceptable. But before we focus on precise articulation and pronunciation, we...
Published: September 12, 2016
5 Top Tips For Making A Good First Impression
First impressions make a lasting impression, or so the saying goes. Which means it’s extra important to get that first moment of meeting just right to win people over. Here we share our top...
Published: September 12, 2016
The Seven Seconds You Most Need To Understand
Treat dictionaries and encyclopaedias as biblical texts all you like, but at the end of the day even the most impressive of vocabularies won’t make up for lacklustre body language. Research has shown...
The King’s Speech & The Serlin Method™ For Powerful Communication
I watched The King’s Speech again a couple of nights ago. Such a lovely film. When it first came out and I told people what about my work here at London Speech Workshop they would...
Published: April 18, 2016
How The Serlin Method™ For Accent Softening Was Born
Before I set up London Speech Workshop I had never heard of Accent Softening. So I was even more surprised when I realised that for many non-native speakers, the experience of having an accent...