Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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Building Bridges In Communication

The art of ending your sentences with confidence.   Effective communication is a fine art, honed over time with practice and insight. One subtle yet powerful aspect of this art is how you conclude...

Written by Emma Serlin

Dressing For Success: How To Make A Lasting Impression In Interviews

Understanding the Company Culture and Dress Code Before you choose your interview attire, it's essential to understand the company's culture. This can vary widely across industries and individual companies. Corporate environments often lean towards...

Written by Emma Serlin

The 7 Seconds That Matter Most

In the same way that body language affects communication, first impressions affect communication, and can establish the entirety of a relationship.   Humans are intrinsically programmed to shy away from situations that are uncomfortable,...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Communicate In A New Job – With Impact!

Starting a new job is scary, right? It’s a bit like your first day of school - you want to make new friends, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself, not to...

Written by Emma Serlin

Top 10 Virtual Interview Tips To Make You Stand Out From The Crowd

You've found the ideal role, in a company that's a perfect fit, but how can you stand out from the crowd when interviewing online? How do you effectively communicate that your skills are right...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Be Confident In Public Speaking

Feel the fear and do it anyway. Isn’t that what they say? And public speaking is one situation where that quote is particularly poignant.     It’s perfectly natural to feel the adrenalin pumping...

Written by Emma Serlin

The STAR Method: How To Improve Your Interview Technique

How many times have you been in an interview situation and the moment you were asked a question, your mind went blank. Instead of the well-formed answer you ought to have given, a stream...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Create A Powerful First Impression

You’re bound to have heard the expression “first impressions count.” And it’s true. Humans are hardwired to make snap judgements – it’s an evolutionary instinct. Early man lived in a much more physically threatening...

Written by Emma Serlin

5 Top Tips For Making A Good First Impression

First impressions make a lasting impression, or so the saying goes. Which means it’s extra important to get that first moment of meeting just right to win people over. Here we share our top...

Written by Emma Serlin

You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

Want to make a great first impression? Smile! Never underestimate the power of a smile - after all, you're never fully dressed without one.     Let's try something. Picture someone smiling. Close your eyes...

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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