Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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How To Use Gesture To Your Advantage

Jamie Chapman, one of our Principal Coaches shares with us a story of one of his clients’ fantastic transformations that landed her the dream job. “When Rachel came for an Elocution and Effective Communication...

Written by Emma Serlin

Authentic Speech: What Does It Mean And Why Should You Care?

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, full_width=False, width='1920', height='1080', player_id='55969592729', style='' %} We all know what inauthentic communication looks and sounds like. Whether it’s a politician from an...

Written by Emma Serlin

Amy Cuddy — Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Is it possible to turn your nerves into swagger in just two minutes? (more…)

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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