How to Use Notes When Public Speaking Without Losing Your Audience
Watch any TEDx talk and you’ll see the speaker strolling confidently around the stage, making eye contact with members of the audience and using their arms - their whole bodies even - to add...
Published: October 6, 2023
Sound Confident – 3 Quick Tips!
If you've got an important presentation or meeting coming up, you could be worrying about sounding confident - after all, if you don't sound confident, will people take you seriously? The way you deliver...
Published: August 29, 2023
9 Tips To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking
For many of us, being called upon to deliver a presentation to dozens or even hundreds of people is a daunting prospect. In fact, it’s well documented that we fear giving presentations more...
Published: August 8, 2023
Why Integrate Your Values?
Discovering and understanding our personal values can be one of the most powerful tools for creating and enjoying an empowered life. Yet surprisingly, many people don't know how to find their values. In this blog,...
Published: August 1, 2023
What We Don’t Do…
We often talk about what we DO do, so we thought we'd start this post a bit differently and share specifically what we DON'T do: We don’t give sales training. We don’t give...
TED Talks To Watch: 7 Secrets Of The Greatest Speakers In History
Of all the speeches you’ve heard in your life, which one sticks out to you the most? Does Martin Luther King spring to mind? Winston Churchill? Or more recently, perhaps Greta Thunberg or Malala...
How To Improve Presentation Skills: 21 Top Tips
We’ve all heard it, it may have been at a conference with thousands of attendees or in a small office meeting, a TED talk we watched online, a recent seminar... It could even have...
Published: September 14, 2022
How To Manage Post-Pandemic Public Speaking Anxiety
Pre 2020, public speaking and presentation skills were largely centred around physical delivery - maintaining eye contact with your audience, taking up space on your stage, adapting your content according to the reaction of...
How To Ask For A Raise (And Get It!)
Bringing up the subject of money at work can feel intimidating to most people, but it's important that you don't let this stand in the way of earning the salary you deserve. As...
Father Of The Bride Speech Guide
This one's for the dads who have likely been looking forward to this day for their whole life! And yet, now that the day looms closer - you're probably feeling the pressure as the...