What We Can Learn From Cinematic Wedding Speeches?
In our recent post, The Ultimate Wedding Speech Guide we offered a wealth of valuable hints and tips around what you should and should not say and indeed do when asked to give a speech...
How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide
It’s been said that a successful wedding speech should make the guests laugh and cry in equal measure, which is what makes the best ones so powerful. It also explains why more than half...
How To Speak More Eloquently – 5 Tips To Try
Have you ever listened to a brilliant speaker and thought wow, this is amazing? Similar to hearing a piece of great music - it can fill us with joy and we remember the message...
3 Ways To Sound Confident Even When You’re Not
There’s no denying it - it’s been a bizarre year! And one of the most disconcerting aspects has to be the imposed isolation, shrinking our world down to government-stipulated bubbles. For 12 months, we’ve...
Published: April 30, 2021
The Significant Value of Values
Discovering and understanding our personal values can be one of the most powerful tools for creating and enjoying an empowered life. Yet surprisingly, many people don't know how to find their values. In this short...
Published: March 22, 2021
A Celebration Of Voice – International Women’s Day
Monday 8th March 2021. International Women’s Day. First celebrated over a hundred years ago, it is a day to celebrate women’s achievements and challenge inequality to help create a gender equal world. ...
9 Tips To Overcome Public Speaking Nerves
For many of us, being called upon to deliver a presentation to dozens or even hundreds of people is a daunting prospect. In fact, it’s well documented that we fear giving presentations more than...
Published: January 14, 2021
Spine-Tingling Speeches From Stage & Screen
Have you ever noticed how beautiful words and beautiful delivery can make one feel warm, happy, and in some little way delighted with the world. To that end, we thought we'd bring together...
Published: December 17, 2020
What Is Intonation & How to Improve it
Intonation is about colour, melody and flow in speech. In short, it is the thing that breathes life into your communication. Therefore, if we are going to master one communication skill, getting the art...
Published: November 11, 2020
4 Inspirational Women Using Their Voices To Drive Change
Today, in recognition of Women’s Equality Day, we want to acknowledge some amazing women. These are pioneering heroines who use their voices to break glass ceilings, overcome what appeared to be insurmountable challenges, and...
Published: August 26, 2020