5 Tips For Overcoming Presentation Nerves
Your stomach is queasy, your palms are sweaty, and your mind has gone blank about your opening lines. It's the bog standard, presentation heebie jeebies kicking in. If this sounds familiar, how about some...
Published: August 28, 2018
How To Speak Eloquently
Have you ever listened to a brilliant speaker and felt captivated by the music of their speech, the poetry of their words and the resonance of their voice? Then they probably have that magical combination...
From Christmas Scrooge to Santa Rouge
How to turn grotty exchanges into delightful connections with six simple tips Christmas should be a time of cheer, but so often things come up that can turn us more into a Christmas scrooge....
Published: November 23, 2016
My Six Tips To Hilary Clinton To Be A More Powerful Communicator
Like many of us, I have been enthralled by the unfolding events of the American elections, and of course, as the director of London Speech Workshop, I can’t help but take a communication perspective....
Published: October 13, 2016
London Speech Workshop Remembers Alan Rickman
Two weeks since Alan Rickman’s death, and the world is still feeling the ongoing ripples of sadness at the loss of such a formidable talent. We thought we’d add to the recognition with a...
Published: January 29, 2016
Summer News Round-Up
Autumn’s coming on thick and fast, no two ways about it. But before we fully embrace it, we’d like to offer you a look back at a couple of the top stories on accents,...
Published: September 11, 2014
Finally, I’m Writing The Book
For my sins, I am writing a book: a book on the art of good communication. And what a journey it is. I am writing the book because after five years with London...
Published: October 30, 2013
London Speech Workshop & The New Year- We’ve Gone Private!
There have been exciting changes at London Speech Workshop in recent months. The biggest news is all of our programs are now offered to clients in a private one to one format. I...
Published: February 25, 2012
How To Talk Proper English: LSW In The Times
This week, London Speech Workshop was featured in The Times. I was asked to give an elocution lesson to journalist Helen Rumbelow, and to discuss Kate Middleton's interview debut in her first public speaking...
Published: December 2, 2010
Founder Emma’s First Post…
This is the first post for the business that I started two years ago- London Speech Workshop. I wanted to write you a little introduction to tell you about what we do here at...
Published: October 28, 2010