Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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International Women’s Day 2025

"How do I speak up in meetings without feeling like I don’t belong?"   On this International Women’s Day, I want to talk about something I hear from brilliant, capable women all the time....

Written by Emma Serlin

Empowering Female Leadership: Insights From LSW’s Journey and Beyond

As we bask in the afterglow of International Women's Day (IWD) 2024, our hearts and minds are full at London Speech Workshop (LSW), reflecting on the indelible imprint of female leadership.   Born from the...

Written by Emma Serlin

Women Who Lead The Way In Communication

International Women’s Day is about celebrating the tremendous achievements of women around the world and calling for a more gender balanced world. In light of this, we asked the team at LSW to share...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Overcome Fear Of Speaking In Meetings

If you’re an introvert, meetings can feel like war zones in which your main goal is to duck extroverted bullets while the loudest personalities exchange fire. So how do you do yourself justice in...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome: 12 Tips

How many times have you thought “I could’ve done that much better” after giving a presentation or leaving a job interview? There are lots of potential reasons for underperformance—but the one we give the...

Written by Emma Serlin

7 Self-Sabotaging Things You’re Doing At Work

Have you ever found yourself apologising for a suggestion, preceding an idea with a self-deprecating disclaimer, or phrasing a comment as a question in order to soften it? These communication habits can have a...

Written by Emma Serlin

Is Olympic Presenter Alex Scott’s “Working Class” Accent An Issue?

With the Olympics comes hours and hours of commentating, and we salute these hard-working individuals who manage to communicate the journeys of our favourite athletes to us so beautifully, while we pretend to be...

Written by Emma Serlin

A Celebration Of Voice – International Women’s Day

Monday 8th March 2021. International Women’s Day. First celebrated over a hundred years ago, it is a day to celebrate women’s achievements and challenge inequality to help create a gender equal world.    ...

Written by Emma Serlin

4 Inspirational Women Using Their Voices To Drive Change

Today, in recognition of Women’s Equality Day, we want to acknowledge some amazing women. These are pioneering heroines who use their voices to break glass ceilings, overcome what appeared to be insurmountable challenges, and...

Written by Emma Serlin

What I Learnt From An Executive Leadership Course

Through the lockdown period, people did all kinds of things to keep themselves busy and active. From knitting to yoga, people learnt new skills and found some new joy and learning in the strange...

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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