Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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How To Banish Conference Call Anxiety For Good

Over the last few years, conference calls have become a very normal part of our day-to-day. For some, this is great news - you can have your notes on the screen, wear your slippers...

Written by Emma Serlin

PowerPoint Tips: Why Storytelling Is Key To Presenting

I am willing to bet that when you’re tasked with giving a presentation at work, the first thing you do is load up PowerPoint or an equivalent programme on your computer. However, by presenting...

Written by Emma Serlin

10 Ways A Business Communication Workshop Will Help You AND Your Team

Communication is at the heart of our professional lives - from building rapport with colleagues and sharing ideas in a meeting, right through to delivering presentations and asking for a promotion. It impacts the...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Overcome Fear Of Speaking In Meetings

If you’re an introvert, meetings can feel like warzones in which your main goal is to duck extroverted bullets while the loudest personalities exchange fire. So how do you do yourself justice in such...

Written by Emma Serlin

Empowered & Real: Communication for a Brave New World

Yesterday I was sitting in my front room, with the cat climbing up the curtain behind me and my five-year-old son singing in the room next door, holding an important meeting with the Managing...

Written by Emma Serlin

Using Vocal Characteristics To Convey Emotion

The voice tells us a lot about a person and what they have to say. Versatility in your vocal characteristics and skills can be extremely valuable, whether you’re podcasting, acting or simply communicating verbally...

Written by Emma Serlin

6 Work Christmas Party Survival Tips

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Written by Emma Serlin

How To Communicate In A New Job – With Impact!

Starting a new job is scary, right? It’s a bit like your first day of school - you want to make new friends, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself, not to...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Find Work-Life Balance & Support Your Team Virtually

As many people returned to the live rigours of the office environment from September, I was fortunate enough to embark on what I am terming a 'semi sabbatical'. I have two particular insights from...

Written by Emma Serlin

7 Self-Sabotaging Things You’re Doing At Work

Have you ever found yourself apologising for a suggestion, preceding an idea with a self-deprecating disclaimer, or phrasing a comment as a question in order to soften it? These communication habits can have a...

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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