Communication & Accent Reduction Blog

Put the kettle on and your feet up – this is your space to read, learn and explore the world of verbal and non-verbal communication.

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Why Do We Struggle With Communication At Work?

The workplace is fraught with different pressures. “Am I good enough?” “Have I achieved my KPI’s?” “Do I deserve this job?” “Am I justified in asking for that pay rise?” “What does my boss...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Be More Assertive At Work

How is it that some people seem to get exactly what they want at work, while others struggle to get anywhere at all? We all know the sort of people – they are often...

Written by Emma Serlin

How Elocution Helps In The Workplace

We are used to the idea of measuring our efficiency in our jobs; we have KPI’s for our performance, specific metrics we need to achieve and regular reviews with our bosses and/or team. But...

Written by Emma Serlin

How To Be Authoritative At Work

Do you want to build respect in the workplace and improve your authority when you are speaking?  Here are two simple trips to put into practise straight away - it's all about your verbal...

Written by Emma Serlin

Why Mumbling Affects Communication At Work

Have you ever wondered how to stop mumbling? And do you know why you should? Mumbling gives your listeners the impression that you don't really believe in what you are saying. And therefore it's...

Written by Emma Serlin

Leadership At Work: Why Would Anyone Want To Be Led By You?

This week, we’re asking you to answer this terrifying question, as expertly discussed by the Harvard Business Review - Why would anyone want to be led by you? (more…)

Written by Emma Serlin

<b>Life changing</b> communication training courses

Life changing communication training courses

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