What Will You Get From A Taster Session?

Background waves
A Taster Session is an hour-long session with a London Speech Workshop expert coach of your choice, where you will experience our unique method, passion and insight will help you communicate more effectively across the board.


Our coaches are incredible in their own right, with many years of experience, and all trained in the Serlin Method™ which combines 12+ years of experience with psychology and performance techniques. During the session, you will learn a couple of really powerful tools that will change your communication from that moment. We don’t just tell you this – we show it to you so you can fully experience the method. You will be recorded and/or filmed at the beginning and end of the session, so you can hear and see the difference for yourself.


“I thought that the Taster Session was just a get to know each other kind of session, but it’s actually your first lesson. In the Taster Session, you can set your goals and discuss with your coach what you want to achieve. I already got so many tips & tricks on how to improve the things I want to work on.”

– Annaleid Bakker – Accent Softening & Effective Communication Client


Accent Softening Taster Session

In an Accent Softening Taster, you will get a complete roadmap of your accent, and the relationship that you have with every single sound of neutral spoken English. This means that you know exactly where you are – which sounds are leading to glitches in communication and which ones you don’t need to have concerns about. Ultimately, we just want to work on anything that’s getting in the way of being the best communicator you can be. That could be developing relationships and connections, delivering powerful presentations or speaking up in meetings in a way that is truest to you and your goals.

We give you tools to make the language your own, this is not just about losing your accent. It’s about making you a great communicator in English. It’s a method that places the emphasis on intonation and communication so you can speak English confidently and with ease.



Five things you’ll get from an Accent Softening Taster Session…

  1. Work with an expert British coach who will help you identify exactly which sounds are holding on to your accent and what to do about it.
  2.  Learn new sounds quickly using our unique method incorporating psychology and performance.
  3. Practise speaking exercises in a safe environment with a professional voice coach. The perfect preparation for a job interview or business presentation.
  4. Learn powerful techniques that will help you begin mastering the art of rhythm, intonation and stress.
  5. Receive a bespoke course plan tailored to your accent and communication needs.


Effective Communication Taster Session

In Effective Communication, you get filmed at the beginning, before working on a couple of incredibly powerful tools. The first is on sounding engaging – how you use your voice and use emphasis, pauses and colour. The second is on delivering your message – building a connection with the person or people you are speaking to. At the end of the session, you’ll be filmed again and then you can watch back to see the difference for yourself.



Five things you’ll get from an Effective Communication Taster Session…

  1. Work with an expert coach who will help you identify your strengths and where there is room for improvement in your communication.
  2. Learn powerful techniques to sound more engaging, confident and compelling in minutes.
  3. Practise the tools in a safe environment with a professional voice coach. The perfect preparation for a job interview or business presentation.
  4. Watch yourself back on film at the end of the session to see for yourself the difference an hour makes.
  5. Receive a bespoke course plan tailored to address your unique needs, challenges and goals.



“You first read a whole bunch of words, sentences, and a piece of text out loud. Which is kind of interesting if you have dyslexia like me, but in the end, we got there. For me personally, we worked on some different things regarding pronunciation. But we also covered intonation, pausing during sentences, and how to get the things you say across with more feeling. I thought it was already very interesting and the coach I had was very knowledgeable.”

– Annaleid Bakker – Accent Softening & Effective Communication Client


Other Taster Sessions

Of course, you might want to focus on something else in your session – like elocution, public speaking or a mixture. Or perhaps you’re not sure exactly what you want to work on, you just know that you want to stop being overlooked at work, or get that promotion you deserve. That’s no problem – once your coach has found out about your goals, they will match your Taster to your needs.

At the end of the Taster Session, you will go through a plan with your coach, personalised to your budget, needs and goals. They’ll map out what 5, 10 or 15 sessions will look like. You can then decide whether you’d like to go on this incredible journey with us.



It’s a great idea to make sure our method really works for you, before you book a course. If you’d like to start learning our trademarked method and unique effective communication tools, book a Taster Session with a coach of your choice today. You can choose between a virtual session over Zoom, or an in-person session in our coaching spaces across London.


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